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Centro 2020 Portugal 2020 União Europeia

We are a company that cares about the Environment, Quality and Safety and wherever we operate, we seek to conduct our activity in a responsible and innovative way.

At Entroncometais, Quality and the Environment are understood as an integral part of the development of our business project, both with regard to the development of our processes, and in the management of relations with society and the environment, with our Partners and Suppliers, with our Employees and, in particular, with our Clients, to whom we direct the fruit of our work.

Entroncometais is licensed to carry out waste management operations under the Unique Environmental Title No. TUA20200710000211, issued by the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDRLVT).

Entroncometais carries out all waste management operations, integrated in its activity, in accordance with the legislation in force.

Entroncometais is certified in terms of quality and environment, by the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 standards. The scope of the Certification is the Management and Recovery of Metallic and Non-Metallic, Electrical and Electronic Waste.